It’s been a while since I’ve posted. That’s because I was low on both time and inspiration. So much has already been said on how much this series sucks, what else can I add?
But then the cash cow abusers that are the Stephenie Meyer camp dropped a big old source of inspiration onto my lap in the form of the illustrated guide to Twilight. And it just so happens that school is winding down (both for me as a student and teacher) so I’ve got bundles of newly free time to fritter away until summer semester begins. So, I got myself a virtual copy and am prepared to rip this new addition to the franchise to shreds. Whee!!!
As always I will try to be as respectful to Ms. Meyer as a person as possible and only make comments on what she has written and said in public. I do not know her; all that I say about her in here is simply conjecture made from my personal impressions of her public persona.
Warning: this book if freaking huge and the downside of an electronic book is you cannot make easy to find annotations on the suck in glitter pens like I do with the actual books. So this will be quite the process. It may take a while