Monday, April 11, 2011

Eclipse Chapter One Stats

So I've been keeping track of Meyer's use of certain words and situations. After each chapter I will post my finding. 
Note: when I calculate how often a word is used I round to the nearest half.
Chapter Number: 1
Chapter Name: Ultimatum
Pages: 31
Words: 7897

Eclipse Chapter One- Ultimatum

And now, we get into the meat of it: the endangered polar bear meat of it. 
Either keep reading and watch the train wreck unfold or save your sanity and/or brain cells. I think we all know which I’m going to chose. Please, I made it through an entire episode of Bridalplasty- I clearly have an unhealthy obsession with trainwrecks.

Meyer and the Desire for Effortless Parenting

Meyer on Parenting
I kinda think Meyer is anti-child. Or anti-parenting. Or maybe anti-normal kids. A lot can be said towards the pedophilic aspect of Jacob/Renesmee and Claire/Quil. But that’s not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about Esme. 

On Meyer and Her Attitude Towards Her Husband and Marriage

"I think one of the most frustrating things about my confident, self-assured husband is that he is not in the least bit threatened by my devotion to Edward and Jacob, though I have told him many times that if either one of them showed up at the door, I would leave without looking back. Pancho just grins and says, "You do that, Steph."-Stephenie Meyer
Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him. ~H.L. Mencken

Eclipse- Dedication, Pre-Preface and Preface

Here we go. Are you ready? Am I ready? Only one way to find out.

In which I take on a fearsome task

Hello internet strangers! My name is ZoĆ«, but you can call me LimelightQueen. I’m twenty-one years old and am a long time Twilight hater. I’ve been hating on Twilight since way before it was cool! I’m talking pre-Making Spawn, err, I mean, Breaking Dawn days. I was a member of v.1. Trust me; I am not a newbie at this.